Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Blessing In Disguise

I have been hesitant in typing this blog because of multiple reasons. I have contemplated it over and over again but I feel that now is the right time. Nick and I don't really live a private life but at the same time we don't find it necessary to blast our whole life on social media. I don't write this post for pity at all but instead I write it because I need to brag on our creator.

Exactly four weeks ago I called Nick on my way home from work crying and so upset. I had gone to work that day as if it was a normal work day only to find out at 2:40pm I would be losing my job. I was just as shocked as you are...if not more shocked. My world had ended! I was furious and immediately bitter at the situation! There was no way out of it and nothing that I could do. Nick and I hadn't even been married a month and this had already happened. I dreaded that short 12 minute drive home because I had to call Nick and tell him that his loser of a wife had lost her job. I got home, walked thru the door to be greeted by my knight in shining armor. Nick held me, let me cry and vent about how unfairly I had been treated. Once we called our families and the important people in our life we thought of a game plan. I would file for unemployment and he would work overtime. The thought of him having to work 10 hours of overtime a week to pick up my slack made me sick to my stomach. Of course I asked God why in the world he would allow this to could this happen? Nick and I have been working so hard to pay things down so that we could do ministry the right way...and this is what I job?! Throughout this time though...God obviously has been showing off... here is how...

Within these last 4 weeks Nick and I have had more money now that I am not working than we had when I was working...God blessed us with an extra $2,000. Also, in this past month Nick and I have been able to spend so much quality time together (since he works from home). We were also able to make a trip to Nashville/Knoxville TN to pick up our car from the car accident that we got into on our honeymoon. In the beginning of November I found out that my home church board voted me on as Part-time Children's Pastor so I have been able to spend much needed time planning and preparing. I have also been able to plan and prepare for our youth retreat that I will be speaking at in a couple of weeks. Nick and I have launched a new t-shirt design...check it out on his website Our newest blessing came today... Nick and I had been tossing around the thought of going down to one car...because his car payment was just crazy expensive and he works from right now we don't need two cars. We were able to get into a brand new Kia Sorento with a cheaper car payment by trading in both of our vehicles. We are now looking for an old truck for Nick to have that we can pay for out of pocket. Our God is so big and so great! We thank him for this time that I have had off of work...because of it...I have been able to see his blessings more clearly.

*Another great blessing. I had an interview a little over a week ago. It went REALLY well...and out of the 10 people they interviewed I was top two. I received word Tuesday that I didn't get the job. About 3 hours later I received a phone call from a company that I applied for about 5 weeks ago asking me for an interview! It is Monday...Don't you worry The Joneses will let you know ;)

Thank you for Keeping Up With The Joneses
Nick's old car on the left "Kitty LeRoy"
Kendra's old car on the right "Charlie"
New car on the top "Yet to be named"


  1. Wow God is so good and it always seems that the breakthrough comes after a huge fight! I'm so proud of you two for following the call has on your life!!! Praying for you both and love you both!!!!! U guys are the best!!!!
