Monday, December 29, 2014

Welcoming a New Year!

Each year I send out an end of the year email and I have decided to put it in a blog. Here you go! Hope you enjoy the read =) 

       In life there are procrastinators, I confess I am one of those! I really wanted this email to be done right before Christmas but as you can tell my gift of procrastination got the best of me. Instead of saying have a Merry Christmas I will say I hope you had a Merry Christmas. I don’t know about you but I am somewhat happy to put this year behind me. I am ready to move on to the new year…I am happy that I no longer have to do it alone! As all or at least I would hope that all of you would know that I GOT MARRIED!!!! This past year has been crazy and here are the reasons why.

In March I made the decision to make the move to Columbus Ohio to be closer to Nick. This would mean that I would leave a great job, an awesome church and my mom behind in Indiana. It was a bittersweet move for me as I knew that I would be moving closer to Nick but leaving home once again would be hard. With the move to Ohio came a new job. I accepted a position as a Behavior Support with a school for children on the Autism Spectrum. The trip to Columbus was eventful as Nick and I experienced our first flat tire together. We borrowed a truck from a friend and knowing nothing about trucks this made changing the tire eventful for two extremely tired people. This would lead us to an eventful year! 

In June Nick accepted a position with Apple Inc. as an At Home Advisor. With this job he has been able to work from home and was able to take a pay raise. This was a huge transition for him as he was working days and now he is working four nights a week with 10 hr shifts. He continues to be a hard worker who continually finds ways to provide for us. 

July was an exciting month for us as a couple. Anderson First Church of the Nazarene had us as the guest speakers at a weekend Children’s camp. I was in my comfort zone with kids but for Nick this was a challenging weekend. He did amazing and the kids really connected with him. This was a great challenge for us as a couple and in our ministry together! 

September 20th I became Kendra Jones…and it was one of the best days of our life. We celebrated with some great friends and family. It feels so great to have someone love me the way that I love them. I could make this section really mushy but I won’t. If you would like to check out our wedding video you can view it on youtube at this hyperlink:

As many of you know Nick and I got into a car accident while on our honeymoon in Gatlinburg, TN. We hadn't even been married for 48 hours! This was the beginning of an eventful marriage! We are so thankful that all parties involved walked away from the accident with no injuries. With the accident happening in Tennessee this would mean that we would have to make a trip back out there when our car was done getting fixed. Frustrating but once we got our car back we traded in both of our cars for a brand new Kia Sorento…We love it and we praise God that he provided for us! 

In October I unfortunately lost my job which ended up being a blessing in disguise. The day I lost my job it felt great to come home to a loving husband who held me and let me be angry. He has been amazing to pick up extra hours at work when needed and I excitedly got approved for unemployment. Yet again God provided for us! November would bring great things for us! 

Nick spoke at a revival that he booked four years ago in Monongahela, PA and God continually blessed him that week. This revival provided some extra income for us this month and it was yet again another way that God provided for us. Are you starting to notice a trend? November was also the month that our local church, Obetz Nazarene, hired me on as their Children’s Pastor. I am loving every minute of being back in church ministry. 

This month Nick and I celebrated our first Christmas together. The whole family traveled to visit with my sister and her family in TN. This time with the family was amazing and we continually thank God for his blessings every day. In the months a head Nick and I will be teaching a discipleship class at our local church and we are so excited about this opportunity! 

As you can see this year has been a year of amazing adventures and has taught us to fully rely on God for his provisions. We pray that your family had a great Christmas and will have a great new year!

With Love,

The Joneses 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

When It Rains It Pours

Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."
John 13:7

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4

Everyday I continually remind myself of these verses. Knowing, praying and believing that God is working all things out for HIS good. Some days I have no idea what he is doing...well most days I have no idea! It seems thought that when it rains is pours. 
This past weekend Nick had all of his hunting gear stolen off of our back porch. His gear was in a tub and he was leaving it there so that the scent of the inside wouldn't get on his gear. The crazy thing is his boots were out there and a really nice tent was out there too..they didn't touch those. I mean how would they know what was in the tub? It was so frustrating and we were really upset. Nick and I aren't rich and we have worked really hard to get what was in that tub. I bought his camo that was in the tub as a wedding gift and he worked to sell t-shirts for him to get a really nice backpack. The total cost of everything in the tub was roughly $500. Nick doesn't look at hunting as a recreational sport he looks at it as a way to provide for us. This is also a time for him to be with other guys...and building those relationships that he was made for. Even throughout this time...I looked at it as an opportunity for God to show off even more than what he has been doing. 

On Monday I found out that I got approved for unemployment! Even though the amount isn't great it is still something and I give God the glory for providing! Last month God provided $2,000 and this month he has already provided $1,500...It's as if he is paying us for the job that I don't have. I know I had mentioned the interview that I had...well it got pushed to Wednesday from Monday. The interview went so well...and she said that I should hear something by the end of the week! I will keep you updated. This week Nick and I launched our t-shirt/apparel company and website. Even though he has been working hard at it since 2012 we are making it more official.. together! Check out our site at 

Now to this weekend. I have been planning and preparing for our youth retreat as I have been asked to be the speaker. I'll tell you what... God has something so amazing for these teens and adults this weekend! Satan has been attacking...fighting... and well.. let's just say... I want revenge! I ask that you please pray for our teens, workers and myself as God leads us...directs us...and frees us! 

Oh...and we have found a name for our car... Rubyletta Jenkins... Ruby for short! 

I also tried to attach our wedding video to this post but it was too big. You can view it on YouTube. Just type Nick & Kendra Jones Wedding and it should come up! 

Thanks for Keeping Up With The Joneses! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Blessing In Disguise

I have been hesitant in typing this blog because of multiple reasons. I have contemplated it over and over again but I feel that now is the right time. Nick and I don't really live a private life but at the same time we don't find it necessary to blast our whole life on social media. I don't write this post for pity at all but instead I write it because I need to brag on our creator.

Exactly four weeks ago I called Nick on my way home from work crying and so upset. I had gone to work that day as if it was a normal work day only to find out at 2:40pm I would be losing my job. I was just as shocked as you are...if not more shocked. My world had ended! I was furious and immediately bitter at the situation! There was no way out of it and nothing that I could do. Nick and I hadn't even been married a month and this had already happened. I dreaded that short 12 minute drive home because I had to call Nick and tell him that his loser of a wife had lost her job. I got home, walked thru the door to be greeted by my knight in shining armor. Nick held me, let me cry and vent about how unfairly I had been treated. Once we called our families and the important people in our life we thought of a game plan. I would file for unemployment and he would work overtime. The thought of him having to work 10 hours of overtime a week to pick up my slack made me sick to my stomach. Of course I asked God why in the world he would allow this to could this happen? Nick and I have been working so hard to pay things down so that we could do ministry the right way...and this is what I job?! Throughout this time though...God obviously has been showing off... here is how...

Within these last 4 weeks Nick and I have had more money now that I am not working than we had when I was working...God blessed us with an extra $2,000. Also, in this past month Nick and I have been able to spend so much quality time together (since he works from home). We were also able to make a trip to Nashville/Knoxville TN to pick up our car from the car accident that we got into on our honeymoon. In the beginning of November I found out that my home church board voted me on as Part-time Children's Pastor so I have been able to spend much needed time planning and preparing. I have also been able to plan and prepare for our youth retreat that I will be speaking at in a couple of weeks. Nick and I have launched a new t-shirt design...check it out on his website Our newest blessing came today... Nick and I had been tossing around the thought of going down to one car...because his car payment was just crazy expensive and he works from right now we don't need two cars. We were able to get into a brand new Kia Sorento with a cheaper car payment by trading in both of our vehicles. We are now looking for an old truck for Nick to have that we can pay for out of pocket. Our God is so big and so great! We thank him for this time that I have had off of work...because of it...I have been able to see his blessings more clearly.

*Another great blessing. I had an interview a little over a week ago. It went REALLY well...and out of the 10 people they interviewed I was top two. I received word Tuesday that I didn't get the job. About 3 hours later I received a phone call from a company that I applied for about 5 weeks ago asking me for an interview! It is Monday...Don't you worry The Joneses will let you know ;)

Thank you for Keeping Up With The Joneses
Nick's old car on the left "Kitty LeRoy"
Kendra's old car on the right "Charlie"
New car on the top "Yet to be named"

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Little Bit Of This...A Little Bit Of That!

*I know this blog will be a little all over the page... so please bare with me =)

*At least once a day I hear Nick say to me, "you're my favorite." It feels so great to know that he has a favorite...and I am that! Tonight I said to him...never in a million trillion years did I think we would be us. It's crazy where life takes us. I am thankful that God has given me such an extremely giving, caring, loving and Godly man. Nick sacrifices so much for us...and I am proud to call him my husband. Now that that's out of the way... here is what is going on with us!

*In the very first weeks of our marriage Nick and I decided that every Saturday in the cold months would be Chili night! We both love chili...and while this was my idea...I never took into account how gassy we would be! HAHA! Well the first chili we had was turkey chili, next white chicken chili, then we had chili from Wendy's =) and the most recent one was chorizo chili. If you want any of these recipes let me know =). I'll probably do a blog soon and rate them =)

*Nick returned from Pennsylvania and I couldn't have been more excited! I can't believe how much I had missed him. Really...I thought I would be okay... I mean we dated long distance for 7 months of our relationship but it was so hard. I got used to him being around all the cooking for him and us waking up to each other. Thank goodness for technology and FaceTime! 

*Because of the revival that he spoke at we had a little extra money... He decided that I needed some new things that would help me get back into some of my hobbies. He took me to the craft store (my favorite) and bought me a wood burning kit (I feel in love with one of these when I made our cake topper for the wedding). Along with this he also bought me some stuff to organize my art/scrapbooking/card making stuff that I have wanted for years but never would buy for myself. I love the fact that we both embrace each others hobbies. 

*Nick and I both became members of Obetz Church of the Nazarene and we are excited to serve! When Nick was gone at the revival he realized how much he missed traveling and preaching. We know where God is leading us...but we are in a time of preparation... this is a hard place to be. However we are so excited to see where God is taking us!!! 

Thank you all for Keeping Up With The Joneses!!! 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Two Ministries...One Goal

Four years ago God was taking care of "us" even when we weren't "us. Nick has been away preaching at a revival in Pennsylvania that he booked 4 years ago... even then God was taking care of us. Lately things have been crazy for Nick and me. We have had a lot of changes with getting and on our honeymoon we got into a car Tennessee. We still don't have our car back from getting here soon I will have to make a trip to get the car...financially this has created a little ding in our debt free plans. God providing Nick with the opportunity to preach at the revival equals helping us financially. While no...that is not why Nick is helps. Nick and I both love ministry...We crave it...It is who we are.

This past Sunday at church we had what we call Family Worship. As the leader of our church's Jr. Church Family Worship excites me! As the kids were in the service doing their thing...singing, ushering and being present in the service I thought... it feels so great to know that Nick and I were doing two different ministries with one goal...Love God, Love People, Changing Lives, Preaching Truth. We are blessed to have each other.

*Confession... I pretty much can't stand being away from Nick. Some may think I am dumb...but the day he left...I might have shed a couple of tears...I'm a baby.

Thanks for keeping up with the Joneses!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

And So It Begins...

So you want to keep up with the Joneses?! Well, we couldn't be more happy than to have you read all about our crazy life! Our life together as "The Joneses" was just established about a month ago on September 20... crazy to's been a month! So...who are the Joneses?...maybe you know us...maybe you don't! We will start out with the hairy one of the bunch... Nick

Nick is a crazy, Jesus lovin', t-shirt makin' preacher! He loves sports, movies, preaching, his amazing hot momma wife ;)... and well he is an amazing man if I do say so myself. He sacrifices his time and sleep to make sure everyone else around him is taken care of.  He is a provider and a dang good one! As his wife I couldn't be more blessed to have him as mine =),

Kendra is a happy go lucky, dance all the time Children's Pastor! She loves...well she doesn't really know because she is indecisive... today she may love cookies but tomorrow its brownies. One thing she does know is she is crazy about Jesus Christ, serving him and teaching kids the truth about Jesus! She also enjoys cooking for her husband...because he deserves the very best! 

In this blog we hope you will find yourself laughing, crying, motivated to teach others of Jesus Christ and most importantly we hope you will be able to find truth in Him! We wanted to create this blog so that our friends, family and strangers could follow our ministry world. Well let's face it...Kendra might throw in some personal at home things yummy recipes... or DIY projects! 

Check back often!!! Can't wait to share the exciting things that Christ is doing in our life!