Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Happily Ever After...

I have been wanting to type this post for sometime now... but have never gotten around to it it goes...

There is so much hype about the 50 Shades of Grey and honestly I don't know much about it to really start a fair debate...what I do know is that I have seen the previews and that is enough for me to not want to go see the movie. This blog isn't being written to sit here and even argue a point... or even to talk about this movie. What this blog post is for is this... 

Let's stop settling for scraps.
Let's stop being naive and lukewarm.
Decide today that enough is ENOUGH.
Lisa Anderson

Before I dated Nick...I had my fair share of the dating me. From blind online dating...I had tried it all. Each time they ended in heartbreak, or me not wanting to settle. I have had my share of men or should I say boys who were in it for something other than Jesus... Being single is lonely... I get it... trust me do I ever. I was someone who moved due to ministry jobs... and each time...I was single...alone...lonely...longing for more. I longed for someone who would be enough for me...I desired a man who would treat me like gold...who would protect my virginity as if it were a true treasure. I looked high and low and even tried to talk myself into relationships that I knew would never be. I cried at night holding onto my pillow because being married to a man who respected me for me and for the choices that I have made in life was such a deep desire for me. I longed for it...I was no different than most other single girls. One thing that I didn't do I didn't let it hold me back...I didn't obsess.. I didn't sell myself sort but one day I decided enough is enough. I had to put on my big girl panties and I had to stop being so naive. What I mean by this is I had to realize that love doesn't happen like it happens in the movies... Its unrealistic...and honestly I was living in a fairytale world! I will never forget the countless nights that I watched The Notebook while in college with my old roommate. Every time after the movie was over we would have a HUGE cry fest! We would say to each other... Why can't I have love like that?! Some nights we would cry ourselves to sleep. As I got older I looked back at that movie and I thought.. Is that really the kind of relationship I wanted?...Sex outside the confines of marriage... To me if you fall into sex before marriage you don't respect yourself...and you don't respect the other person. I know that may seem like a bold statement...and I am okay with that because is for marriage.  Love isn't like the movies... it is SO much better! Because love in real a REALITY! Wake up world...and stop being so NAIVE! 

My husband is amazing... and not because he is married to me...but because of the man that he is, the man he is becoming and because of the man he wants to be. I have never known someone who wants to better themselves more than Nick does. He is an extremely hard worker and he sacrifices so much of his wants to provide for us. Some of you may see this blog post as a mushy, lovey dovey blog and you know what I am okay with this...because I waited 28 years to date the man of my dreams and 30 years to marry him... So you are just going to have to deal ;) I also find myself writing this and posting it as we ring in another birthday for him (tomorrow)... Happy 34th my love! Nick and I before marriage abstained from sex. Nick respected me...I respected him (we still do). My eyes are only for Nick and Nick's for mine. Sure we may think that someone is pretty or cute...that's not wrong. I am here to tell you that it is possible to not have sex before respect not only yourself but the person you are dating. I am so grateful that I didn't settle for scraps. I am proud of my husband... sure he isn't perfect but who is? He messes up...who doesn't? He doesn't do things the way that I would do them...but thats okay. What he a follower of Christ, a provider, protector, someone who respects me, encourages me, my personal comedian, he leads us and longs to be something greater. Ladies...pray for a man like that. 

Thank you Jesus for my happily ever after...