Monday, October 27, 2014

Two Ministries...One Goal

Four years ago God was taking care of "us" even when we weren't "us. Nick has been away preaching at a revival in Pennsylvania that he booked 4 years ago... even then God was taking care of us. Lately things have been crazy for Nick and me. We have had a lot of changes with getting and on our honeymoon we got into a car Tennessee. We still don't have our car back from getting here soon I will have to make a trip to get the car...financially this has created a little ding in our debt free plans. God providing Nick with the opportunity to preach at the revival equals helping us financially. While no...that is not why Nick is helps. Nick and I both love ministry...We crave it...It is who we are.

This past Sunday at church we had what we call Family Worship. As the leader of our church's Jr. Church Family Worship excites me! As the kids were in the service doing their thing...singing, ushering and being present in the service I thought... it feels so great to know that Nick and I were doing two different ministries with one goal...Love God, Love People, Changing Lives, Preaching Truth. We are blessed to have each other.

*Confession... I pretty much can't stand being away from Nick. Some may think I am dumb...but the day he left...I might have shed a couple of tears...I'm a baby.

Thanks for keeping up with the Joneses!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

And So It Begins...

So you want to keep up with the Joneses?! Well, we couldn't be more happy than to have you read all about our crazy life! Our life together as "The Joneses" was just established about a month ago on September 20... crazy to's been a month! So...who are the Joneses?...maybe you know us...maybe you don't! We will start out with the hairy one of the bunch... Nick

Nick is a crazy, Jesus lovin', t-shirt makin' preacher! He loves sports, movies, preaching, his amazing hot momma wife ;)... and well he is an amazing man if I do say so myself. He sacrifices his time and sleep to make sure everyone else around him is taken care of.  He is a provider and a dang good one! As his wife I couldn't be more blessed to have him as mine =),

Kendra is a happy go lucky, dance all the time Children's Pastor! She loves...well she doesn't really know because she is indecisive... today she may love cookies but tomorrow its brownies. One thing she does know is she is crazy about Jesus Christ, serving him and teaching kids the truth about Jesus! She also enjoys cooking for her husband...because he deserves the very best! 

In this blog we hope you will find yourself laughing, crying, motivated to teach others of Jesus Christ and most importantly we hope you will be able to find truth in Him! We wanted to create this blog so that our friends, family and strangers could follow our ministry world. Well let's face it...Kendra might throw in some personal at home things yummy recipes... or DIY projects! 

Check back often!!! Can't wait to share the exciting things that Christ is doing in our life!