Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Curve Balls!

So what's new?...I am going to tell you what is new. About two weeks ago our Sr. Pastor resigned as the Sr. Pastor. Crazy right?!

This was taken straight from his FB status:
To all of our family and friends we wanted to let you know that we are in for a big change in our lives. We have been considering serving in some way in missions. We thought we might volunteer and teach but that has transformed into something only God could have orchestrated. We have been appointed to serve as special assignment missionaries on the South Asia Field. We will be assisting the countries of Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and eventually Bangladesh. We are so blessed to have served as the pastor of five great churches over the years and especially our most recent pastorate here at the Murrieta Gateway Church of the Nazarene. What a loving and supportive congregation they are. We know God has amazing plans for them and great blessings are in their future. Please pray for us as we transition into global missions

WOW! Big news right?! Let me first state that I am excited for them and this opportunity. I know that God is leading them, guiding them and is going to use them. So what does this mean for Nick and me? In the Nazarene church (where I pastor) the staff is required to resign and it is up to the church board to decide to accept the resignation or not. Well the board is super supportive of all the staff and the resignations are not going to be approved. Once we get a new pastor he will then have 90 days to decide to keep the staff as is, to bring his own staff or to higher different people for the current positions. Nick and I aren't concerned and we know that ultimately God is guiding our lives and will provide just as he is now.

The church that I pastor at has only had two pastors...the founding pastor and Bill.. When the last pastor resigned it took this church a year to hire Pastor Bill. It could take that long or longer. In the meantime we will continue to do what we do. God has great things in store for Gateway. Nick and I remain excited to serve and minister to this amazing church family.

We ask that you pray for this transition. Please pray for our board, for unity and for the decisions that are being made.

Thank you for Keeping Up with the Joneses

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